Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Friday, August 19, 2011
FF - fun keyword searches
I use Google Analytics and it allows me to slice and dice the hits coming to my blog. One of those is the keywords that people use to search and land on my blog. Here are 5 of the funnest (is that a word? It’s not…) searches that landed my blog this past month.
1. Living with 2 girlfriends - 6 searches, stayed on the blog for about a minute and looked at an average of 5 pages. Don’t you wonder what it is that they found on this blog that made them stay? And why are there so many searches that land on my blog?
2. august 2011 baby tree falls on stroller - 2 searches, stayed on the blog for about 3 minutes and looked at an average of 5 pages. Oh my goodness. I’m terrified for these people.
3. how to eat delicious dried fish goldfish russian - 1 search, stayed on the blog for less than a minute and only looked at an average of 1 page. Are the fish Russian?
4. fart site:livinglikethekings.com - 1 search, stayed on the blog for under a minute and looked at an average of 2 pages. For the record, girls do not fart. I have no idea what they found here.
5. talk to poop - 1 search, stayed on the blog for under a minute and looked at an average of 1 page. Do I talk about poop a lot here?
Got any fun(ny) searches to share?
Got a Friday Five? Link up!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Q & A - the Q
Feel free to peruse the previous Q & A posts.
I'm relatively open (be nice) about most topics. Here are some popular ones
- Breastfeeding & pumping
- Peanut's sleep training
- Our toys
- Daycare
- The dog
- Our schedule and chores
- My (current lack of) work outs
- Baby food
- Adult food
Okay, have at it.

Sleeping habits - the adult version
No, no - not that kind of adult version.
I’m talking about actual sleep here.
More precisely, cuddle habits.
Allow me to set the scene.
It’s 10pm and the two of us climb into bed. Jon grabs his 3 pillows, places two under his head and one on top of his face. He lays on his back.
I climb in, move both of my pillows off to the side, and snuggle up to Jon. He shifts. I wait and when he’s done, I snuggle up closer. He shifts again and tells me he’s uncomfortable. I say “ok, then you snuggle me.” He sighs, turns and spoons me. I snuggle up with my pillows and let out a happy sigh.
10 minutes later Jon shifts away. I let out a frustrated sigh. Jon falls asleep in 5 minutes. I stay up for another 30 because I can’t fall asleep unless I’m snuggling.
Tell me - are you a snuggler?
If you’re snuggling, are you the big spoon or the little spoon?