Well, folks, it’s Sunday. Which means that this is officially my last post in the Glimpse series. I’m not going to lie to ya - I’m going to miss these. It’s been a ton of fun!
This morning Peanut woke up just after 6am (which, in case you haven’t noticed, is the exact same time she wakes up every single morning). I fed her in bed, then played a bit while I pumped.
Since Jon looked all peaceful and stuff, I let him sleep in while Peanut and I played in the basement, aka the playroom.
Around 8am she was ready for her first nap, so I put her in her crib (where she fussed a bit but fell asleep), and got myself some breakfast (yogurt, banana, and coffee).
The new Crate & Barrel catalogue came, which means that I spent the rest of Peanut’s nap rearranging some of our kitchen and living room.
Jon woke up, saw the Crate & Barrel catalogue, saw me walking around our living room, moving stuff, nodded knowingly, and went to brush his teeth.
At 9am Peanut woke up from her nap, so I fed her and we continued our play.
She’s very bossy. I guess at least she knows what she wants and doesn’t take “no” for an answer (unless you want to hear a wailing baby for hours on end).
Jon and I took turns watching the kid and getting some chores done. In addition to moving all the accessories and some electronics between the two rooms, I also vacuumed, got some laundry going, and cooked. Jon dusted, continued the laundry, and cleaned up the bathroom.
Then I gave the dog a haircut and a bath.
He was not a fan.
Peanut took a nap from noon until 1, at which point Jon fed her abottle because I was still cutting the dog’s hair. I ended up pumping right after.
Somewhere in here we also ate lunch (turkey, cheese, avocado, tomato and lettuce on whole wheat).
To prepare for the week (since we actually have groceries now), I made us some of these mini lasagnas,
and these cookies.
Peanut took her last nap from 2:45pm until about 3:30pm. While I was feeding her, she fell back asleep.
I didn’t have the heart to bother her, so I just sat around, playing on my phone for a half hour or so until she woke up.
Apparently, rainy days make everybody sleepy.
after some more play time in the basement, we fed Peanut dinner (sweet potato, green beans, and yellow squash), then had some dinner ourselves (the mini lasagnas).
I think you all know the drill here.
play time, then bed for Peanut around 7:30pm.
After she goes to bed, I’ll take a bath, do my nails (it’s my Sunday ritual), and settle down on the couch next to my husband to watch the finale of Food Network Star and blog.
Ah Sundays, how I love you.
Back to regular blogging schedule tomorrow. Starting with a weekly recap.
Are you going to miss seeing my boring, monotonous days?
I’m dying to see your weeks - if you’re up for it!