Did I mention that I am absolutely in love with this here boy?
Thanks to my best friend being super nice to us and taking pity after I whined for days about not having seen him in a while, we got to meet up on Christmas Eve for a little bit.
We got to watch this little goober open his presents and let us spoil him just a tiny itty bitty bit.
It was amazing to see our friends too! It's super hard to be over 2 hours apart from your best buds, especially when they have this little treasure.
I guess that things are just going to get harder with babies in the picture since visiting isn't as easy as it once used to be.
There's no way I could throw an extra pair of underwear, a tooth brush, and a sweatshirt and head over to the Boston area to hang out anymore. Now it's more like packing a suitcase full of bottles, onesies, and whatever else the cute little monsters require.
But that's alright because if you're super stubborn like me and my besties, we'll make it work.
That's what we bought an SUV for anyways, right?
I mean, who can resist these scrumptious little fingers and toes?
And once Addi is born, we'll have to make the trips even more frequent.
Cuz, you know, she has to get to know her future hubs real well.
My Mother’s House
(Shout out to all the 90’s youth group kids who got the title reference to
“My Father’s House” praise song. You know you were doing the hand motions,
too! ...
4 years ago