Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crepes sans Yeast aka Russian Blinchiki

I hate hate hate dealing with yeast.  I think it's evil.  Anytime I've tried to use it, things got ruined.  Because it's evil.  Not because I need to learn how to use it.  For real.


Anyways, I did find an awesome and SUPER simple recipe for Crepes that doesn't use any yeast.  Now I can spend every Sunday morning making crepes just like my mom and dad did for us when we were kids.  (I don't, but I'm just saying that I can.)

  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 3/4 spoon sugar
That's it!  Impressive, right?  And they come out look beautious (that's a word).

Mix the eggs and milk super well.  Combine the flour and sugar.  Mix everything together with a mixer for a couple of minutes.

No chunks here!

Then cover and put in the fridge for about 1 hour.

After an hour, turn on your burners to about medium-high (basically, you want your frying pan to be HOT but not too hot that it burns the crepe before it even has a chance to cook).  You're going to want to wait about 5-10 minutes for your frying pan to heat up thoroughly before you put any of the mix on it. Add a drop of butter or olive oil.

Now, tape about a quarter cup of the crepe mix and pour it slowly in the middle while rotating the frying pan in the air in a circular motion to fill in all the spots.

You want to portion all of the mix as thinly as you can to cover the entire pan.

After about 5 seconds, I start pushing the edges down just a tiny bit to encourage them not to stick to the edge of the pan.  You can turn the whole thing over with the spatula (choose a thin long one) after about 15 seconds.  What you're looking for is for the Crepe to have tiny little holes in it, turn just a bit more yellow than the original white color and for the edges to start to brown only a tad.

There! Perfect!  One thing to keep in mind is that your first (and sometimes second and third) crepe will never come out good.  At least mine don't.  I end up using those for a taste-test.

Some things to watch out for:

If you forget to put butter/oil before every single Crepe, you might get something like the one above.  The whole thing gets stuck to the pan and burns.  You can throw that out (or if you're like me, pick at it while you're making the others).

Another thing that can happen is that your Blinchik is not cooking well or burning at random spots - that means your over top is too cold or too hot.  Adjust it and wait a couple of minutes before trying again.

If you're making your Blinchiki or Crepes plain, flip them over and cook on the other side for about 10-15 seconds before transferring to a plate.

Today, I'm filling mine with chocolate for a simple, quick, but delicious dessert.

Who doesn't love chocolate?

You can fill these with just about anything from ham and cheese to ground meat with onions to jam.  Most times I just make them plain and then add either sour creme or condensed milk (kinda like the frosting you get with cinnamon buns).  Any way you do, it's amazing.

Now fold it over, flip once. and fold over again.


This gives the chocolate just enough time to melt.

I love these perfect little guys.

This is a double batch to accommodate two girls that will be joining me for girls night.

Although if they don't get here soon, there won't be any left.


  1. they were super duper yummy. i will have to make them myself now that i know they are so simple.

  2. I love crepes but I was always afraid they would be really difficult to make. I'm going to try these out this weekend :)

  3. Yeast - the key is having a thermometer. You can't just guess at that water temperature! 105 to 115 degrees is ideal. Cooler and the yeast won't activate, hotter and you'll kill it. I bake a lot of bread. :)

  4. My boyfriend took a Russian class last summer, and they ate something similar to these at the end of the course (but with the condensed milk). He's been raving about them ever since and so I'm super excited to see this recipe. I'll have to make some this weekend!

  5. My boyfriend took a Russian class last summer, and they ate something similar to these at the end of the course (but with the condensed milk). He's been raving about them ever since and so I'm super excited to see this recipe. I'll have to make some this weekend!


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