Monday, June 13, 2011

Sleep training poll results

Here are the poll results to date from the sleep poll I posted last week

Ours is a baby, although I have done the sleep training with all 3 of my pups (none of them involved crying it out).

We started the sleep training a week or so after Peanut turned 4 months old, so I checked the first box.

It took us just under a week, although there are some random nights here and there that Peanut will wake up and cry for a minute or two.  Usually it is caused by something (i.e. the horribly loud thunder storm we had) and we don't go to her right away.  She falls asleep again without any help.

We used the Ferber method, which I would recommend.  Although don't read it and stick to it 100% - read it for some background information and then apply the parts that you think will work for you.  Another thing that I think is important to remember is that even if you pick a specific method/time interval/etc,  you can always change it! i.e. we decided to take the paci away at the same time, but changed our mind after seeing that it was not working for naps and kept it for nap-time.

I checked "yes" but I'm not a very good sample here since it's only been a couple of weeks for us.  I'll report back later!  I have, however, heard that we may have to do the sleep training a few times after Peanut is sick/travels/changes habits/etc.  So keep an open mind!

If you want to read on our sleep training, I posted here.

There are also some incredible comments on a post here and here.

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